1. Look at the model more than your paper
There is no point in having a figure if front of you if you don’t learn from it. Take the time to familiarise yourself with its weights, proportions and pose.
2. Not every drawing you make will be a masterpiece.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Correcting, erasing, and on occasion abandoning a failing drawing is worthwhile. There is no shame in starting again sometimes.
3. The most enjoyable bits are the difficult bits!
Close ups can be very interesting but are often embraced as an excuse to avoid facing up to the challenges of drawing heads, faces, hands and feet.
4. Practice may make perfect, but…
Technical perfection rarely makes great art. Learn to develop the differences and imperfections in your drawing. Creative Interpretation is more valuable than sedulous aping. Experimentation is essential in developing a unique style and approach.
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