It's Important to experiment.. be fearless!

Following on from our article
Hens ask..’ I’ve never drawn a person – where on earth do I start?? ‘ we wanted to explore the importance of experimenting. Many of our models and tutors regularly challenge themselves as well as their party groups to try something new. We see all sorts of fantastic experimentation from both our models and our tutors in their professional and party lives. It's amazing to see how our hens develop during and after a party we have so many that come back to us after an event and say they took up some form of art after the event.
Model Julian Lewis regularly lets his groups experiment!
[video width="480" height="848" mp4="/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/WhatsApp-Video-2020-01-17-at-20.39.49.mp4"][/video]
Experimenting with styles and mediums helps you develop your personal artistic work, you'll find out what you are good at, what you can do an most importantly what you love.
We asked Tutor Louise Blakeway why she thought experimenting was important:
"I’ve always painted and drawn since childhood. I like to experiment with various mediums as I get easily bored and like to find new ways of working.
I’ve been studying colour for a number of years and how it can express space and form.
I think it's important to keep pushing your work so as not to fall into a rut and producing formulaic work."

Louise regularly shares her new work on fb and it can be a real discussion point!
So, find your space, and grab, pen, brush or pencil and have a go!
Fairygodmother x