Tips for Hosting an Event at Your House
Get organised – Write a very comprehensive To Do List covering everything from start to finish, including the
- pack up.
- emails
- requests
- logistics
- re-confirming details the week before and so on.
also work out what things could be done well in advance drinks, gardening, work out what to wear you know, the essentials.
Book those appointments in early – it’s an easy thing to knock off the list so do them early. things like a
- hair appointments
- waxing
- spray tan
- book HWP’s!
- nails or whatever you like to do in preparation for a special event.
stick to your budget! – allocate carefully and creatively!
Supplement any paid catering – with a modest budget, do it yourself, go to the supermarket, you might elevate your fear of catering!
Have a Plan B- you know…. just in case. This might involve limiting numbers from the start to what you can comfortably fit inside your home with social distancing or you can look at hiring a marque.
Most importantly, have fun!
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