Tutor Tattle: Q&A with our Artistic Tutor - Claire

How did you become a Tutor?
I lectured in FE for 15 years where I taught Fine Art, including Life Drawing. After becoming redundant, I decided to go Freelancer. It was at that point that I found and  applied to Hens With Pens. I continue to work with my local Arts Centre where I run various workshops & projects funded by organisations such as the Arts Council of Wales, National Lottery amongst others. I also deliver the odd Life Drawing session. I teach Life Drawing to 6th formers for their uni interview portfolios too, for an organisation called Criw Celf. 
Tell us a bit about your art style?  
I'd say my style has developed over years of primary and secondary source observation as well as experimental mark making. Being able to look properly is a hugely important issue when drawing, a fact that always raises a chuckle in Life Drawing sessions.
Funniest experience?
It has to be when I worked in FE. I had a tutor group, who were being a bit lazy, so I gave a speech to try to inspire a better work ethic. After I'd said my piece and turned to walk to the whiteboard, a learner with tourettes called me a "jumped up slut." It was hilarious! I couldn't turn to face the class or they'd have seen me laughing, which, after a telling off, wouldn't have been appropriate! 
Claire is currently producing a Birds of the World series which you can check our via the following links:
Instagram @hiett_art